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Warm Summer Nights brings music to downtown

Walter L. Sprague

Walter L. Sprague
NLJ Arts & Culture Reporter
Larry Roetzel and Cambria String Band entertained the city of Newcastle on Friday evening, June 21. Sponsored by the Weston County Arts Council, Weston County Travel Commission, First State Bank of Newcastle, and News Letter Journal, the concert brought smiles and joy along with plenty of bluegrass music to the First State Bank parking lot. 
About 300 people sat on the library lawn, or danced on the sidewalks of Main Street, or just mulled around with friends and family as they enjoyed the talents of the live band. 
The first of the Warm Summer Nights concert series was well met for about three hours as the people were thankful that the rain held off for the evening, and the temperatures and wind were moderate, adding to the enjoyment of everyone. There were a few people that even got together and danced, which everyone seemed to enjoy very much. 
A food tent, erected by WCAC, sold pizza, ice cream, cotton candy, and bottled water, as well as tickets for two raffles coming up later in the summer. The items up for raffle are a rifle and a knife/hatchet set. There are still tickets available for each raffle from any of member of the WCAC board, and the price is $10 per ticket. Open containers are also allowed at these events. 
The two remaining concerts for the summer will be on July 19, with Sherry Taylor and Lazy L Band, and Aug. 23, with Nate Smith and the Caddywhompus Band. An additional sponsor of the final concert is 21 Electric. 

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