Upton identifies water projects
Alexis Barker
NLJ News Editor
Upton will hold a public meeting on March 6 at 1 p.m. to allow citizens to review and comment on future projects proposed through a preliminary engineering report, prepared by Bearlodge Engineering and Surveying in Sundance, on the town’s water system needs, according to a public notice from the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality and Kelley Millar, Upton city clerk.
“At the meeting, the Town of Upton will present the preliminary concept design of the proposed projects and will discuss the estimated cost of the improvements and the plan for funding the improvements,” the notice dated Feb. 20 says.
The notice states that the projects are tied to the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund and the Clean Water State Revolving Fund.
“The town wishes to establish a funding capability associated with USDA-RUS and Wyoming State Revolving Fund funds, and as such has identified ten projects that have been through the USDA-RUS Preliminary Engineering Report process, making each eligible for funding as the town becomes capable of meeting the remaining funding obligations,” the notice states. “Each project involves replacement of the existing infrastructure with new components, with minor adjustments and improvements to bring the system up to current standards.”
The notice continues that specific funding requests have not yet been determined for each project, but will be prepared based on the various funding sources available at the time, as well as what is in the town’s best interest.
According to Millar, the reasoning for this is that the projects are not on any sort of schedule. She said that this process creates a “resume” for the town of its water system needs.
“The town will assess user rates/fees/assessments as part of their consideration for each project,” the notice says.
The 10 proposed projects, according to the notice, include water and sewer projects with an estimated total cost of $15,234,386.
Preliminary plans for the improvements, cost estimates and a potential funding plan can be reviewed at the Upton city clerk’s office at 752 Second St.
Written comments will also be accepted and can be sent to Kelley Millar (Upton city clerk), P.O. Box 203, Upton, WY. All written comments must be received by 11 a.m. on March 6, before the scheduled public meeting.