Upgrades needed at LEC
Alexis Barker
NLJ Reporter
The county will engage Structural Dynamics to draw up specifications on the replacement of the ramp and stairs at the Law Enforcement Center after the company recommended that the building’s accesses be replaced “preferably before next winter.”
Chairman Tony Barton reported to the Weston County commissioners on March 5 that during a recent visit with the company that the accesses to the building appeared to be in need of replacement before next winter.
“I know it is something we had not budgeted for, and I don’t know if it is something that we want to budget for next year or address now and have done before this winter,” Barton said.
He explained that the company found that the rebar underneath the concrete should be in tension, but some of the rebar has deteriorated badly and could collapse.
“Basically, it is what is holding the concrete up. Any shifting could cause it to fall,” Barton said. The report does not indicate when this might happen, he said.
“It could go anytime. It might last 10 years,” Barton said.
He then recommended that the county engage an engineer they planned to budget for the project in the next budget session.
“I would like to see us work this into the budget. We have a lot of winter yet, and I am not sure what you would be able to do now,” Commissioner Marty Ertman said. “I would like to be able to decide where the money is coming from. I think that is important.”
“It is not a matter of questioning whether or not to do it; we have to do it. Perhaps, in another couple months, we put the bid out and then payment would be in next fiscal year,” Ertman said. “I do think it is imperative to get out a bid pretty soon.”
Ertman said that she believed contractors could become booked if the county waits too long to request bids.
“Get it out there. Time is going to sneak up on us quick,” Commission Ed Wagoner said. “I know it is falling into next fiscal year, and I am very comfortable doing it that way.”
Treasurer Susie Overman stated that the county may be able to access grant monies to help pay for the project because the county is “getting into the safety part of it.”
Barton commented that the project could be a candidate for a mineral royalty grant.
“We still have to have some type of price in order to go for it,” Ertman said. She noted that the next round of grant application approval is in August.
Barton recommended that the county engage an engineer to help prepare the project specifications and recommended Structural Dynamics that prepared the report. The commissioners approved the recommendation.