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Trusting His ways: Unveiling God’s care

Dean Butler

In January 2022, an extreme cold spell had gripped the Mountain States, bringing subzero temperatures that made life miserable for everyone. It was on one of these frozen days that we closed on selling our house in northeast Colorado and set out for a new life in Wyoming.

Having sent most of our belongings to our new location ahead of time, all that was left were the items we most needed upon arrival. Linda drove the car, packed full, while I drove my old truck, pulling a stock trailer loaded with furniture and household essentials, including canned goods.

It was mid-morning when all the papers were signed. With a sense of adventure and anticipation for this life-changing move, we set out. Calculating our travel time carefully, we aimed to arrive in time to complete all necessary tasks and to avoid the dropping temperatures that nightfall would bring.

We made it to Scottsbluff, Nebraska, which was about halfway through our trip. As I drove around the town on the bypass, I heard a noise coming from my truck’s engine. Luckily, there was a wide spot where I could park my somewhat large truck and trailer. Upon opening the hood, it was obvious that the water pump had gone out.

I knew I had to find help quickly
but had no idea whom to call in this unfamiliar town. Linda stayed in the truck while I took the car to see what I could do. A concrete company was nearby, so I stopped there. Inside, I met two wonderfully helpful women. I explained my problem and asked if they could recommend a mechanic. They gave me the name and number of someone they recommended. I called immediately and explained my situation. It was a family-owned business with the father and two sons.

I was amazed and shocked to find that a mechanic arrived almost as soon as I had returned. After assessing the situation, he calmly informed me that a tow truck was on its way. He suggested that while we waited, we should unhook the trailer and attach it to his truck so he could tow it to the mechanic’s shop. By the time we had accomplished this, the tow truck had arrived, and we were on our way to their shop.

The owner estimated it would take around three hours, so Linda and I went off to find a place to eat. To be frank, I struggled to understand why God would permit such a crisis to unfold at this juncture.

We spent a couple of hours eating and driving around town to pass the time. Eventually, we decided to head back to the mechanic’s shop to wait out the remaining time. When we arrived, we were pleasantly surprised to see the guys pulling out our truck and re-attaching our trailer. They had completed the work in just two hours, whereas they had estimated three. I settled the bill and initially only glanced at the balance, but later I noticed they had given us a sizable discount because I am a veteran.

We exited their office to find the truck with the trailer attached, all lights functioning. And so, we embarked on
the final leg of our trip. Despite the unexpected delays, we had only been set back by about four hours. As night rapidly approached, the temperature began to drop.

After traveling just a few miles, Linda signaled for me to stop by blinking her lights. The reason was that all the lights on the trailer had gone out. Quick mental troubleshooting led me to suspect a blown fuse. Upon inspection, we indeed found a blown fuse, but the challenge was identifying the cause. Unfortunately, due to the darkness and subzero temperatures, pinpointing the problem was impossible.

God, why are you putting us through this? Why have you not protected us from these troubles? These questions were pounding in my thoughts and silent prayers.

It became evident that we had no option but to continue our journey. Driving with a trailer that had no lights was perilous, especially at night. However, we had little choice given the circumstances. I directed Linda to follow closely behind me, using her car’s lights to illuminate the back of the trailer while ensuring enough distance for other vehicles to pass safely.

I can not explain this other than to give God all the glory. In approximately 120 miles on a major highway, not one car or truck approached us from behind.

We reached Newcastle close to midnight, completely drained, both physically and emotionally. We were too tired to dwell on the events of our unusual day, so we collapsed into bed, seeking much-needed rest.

In the days that followed, I reflected deeply and prayed about the challenges we had faced, seeking understanding from God. The answer I received was simple yet profound “I wanted to show you how I can care for you.”

Through struggles, our faith is refined, leading to deeper and more authentic praise and prayers. As believers, we are not guaranteed a trouble-free life, but we are assured of God’s presence and support in every circumstance. Triumphs achieved through God’s grace reveal a heart that has witnessed his interventions, even in the most trying moments.

Two verses come to mind as I look back on this incident. Isaiah 41:10, “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand,” and Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

Fifty years ago, I committed my life to serving the Lord. I hold an associate degree in Christian education and a bachelor’s degree in Christian counseling. In my retirement, I focus on studying and sharing the teachings of God’s Word with others. I maintain three Facebook pages dedicated to spreading the Word of God. To contact Dean or share your own thoughts, email

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