Time to talk about a different way
Dear Editor,
The will of “the people” was subverted by a now obsolete part of our founding documents.
The disastrous result saddled us with an incompetent, international embarrassment. There is no need to demonize Trump, he has done that job superbly himself.
If fate smiles down on us and we get an opportunity for a “do over,” how do we prevent that type of catastrophe in the future?
One way may be to dramatically improve the top end of our legislative and executive body. The legislators could, from their own body, elect nine or 11 to be “cabinet” members. Every new law or policy passed by the Legislature must also be passed by a majority of the “cabinet.”
The “cabinet” selects, from any source, a person to represent and speak for them. This “speaker” has only the authority to pass on and promote the consensus of the cabinet. The Speaker should meet and greet domestic and foreign dignitaries and act as the parliamentarian.
This system should be able to filter out the most egregious acts erupting from the most extremist representatives.
A group in Casper has formed to consider and discuss ways to improve our law-making and thus improve our country. Should we in Weston County follow suit and form a similar discussion group?
—Jerry Baird