“Thieves” gave a good time to all who came
Dear Editor,
I’d like to thank you and your team at the News Letter Journal for getting out the news about the play “Christmas Thieves” presented last week by the Weston County Arts Council. The ads and the timely printing of the interview were spot on. We enjoyed a good-sized audience for both performances.
The Arts Council would like to thank Kara and her crew at the fair grounds. They were great help in setting up the building’s rooms and the stage for us.
Last week’s production was the first time we have used the Weston County Events Center for a play. After our experience Weston County residents can count on many more productions in that wonderful building. Though we did not use the kitchen for making our chili there is a full commercial kitchen with gas stoves with coolers and freezers. There are ample tables and chairs, plus, the Events Center building has great acoustics as well.
It was a great experience for the cast and for the people who attended the performances. It’s one of those times when we can say, “a good time was had by all.”
—T. A. Voss, Treasurer
Weston County Arts Council