Thanks for the memories
Thanks for the memories
Dear Editor
Hi Leonard. Just read your piece on Dr. Wells. Let me tell you about my first meeting Dr. Wells. It was July 3, 1934. Tomorrow would be the bit July 4th celebration at Mallo Canyon which was a big deal and a nice place for the event. It was not to happen for me as I was where I should not have been--around horses. My pony kicked me and broke my leg between my knee and hip. I was 6 years old and that was a major let down to not be able to wade in the creek and see the fireworks. Mallo was down the creek a short distance from where the camp is at present. There was a permanent open air pavilion, enough room for a soft ball field and horse-shoe pit.
Back to the broken leg, I was taken to Dr. Wells office which was located in a building between which is now Cash Box Ceramics and the alley by the Methodist Church. The building had two small rooms — one for Dr. Wells and the other for Dr. Lovelace. Dr. Wells slit my overall leg to feel for the break-first impressions — next ruining my pants. Dr. Wells had an ex-ray, but there was not room in the building for it. The ex-ray was in a building on S. Seneca across from the Chief Hotel. I was ex-rayed and then put in a cast and taken to my Uncle Fred’s house where my Mom and I stayed for about 6 weeks . Two weeks or about I was taken back to the x-ray and found that the broken joints had slipped & need to be broken & re aligned. Dr. Wells was of small stature but strong. My dad held my body and the Dr. took my foot — gave it a quick jerk and the joint popped. Again a new cast. A couple weeks later another x-ray and the same happening as before, but it was not broken again. The Dr. said it healed so close that I might limp a little but should not bother me in later years. During years following I had other
occasions to see the Dr. I advised him not to try any funny stuff, as I was as big as he was. The Holwell family became good friends with the Dr. and his wife visited us on the ranch several times. He liked nice cars and was always ready for an excuse to drive to the country
I always look forward to your articles of history. Thanks for the memories.
Jack Holwell