Talk about a big waste of time
Much of what the Wyoming legislature is up to this session has me in a bad mood. However, last week I heard news of a bill they are considering that proves that they apparently have nothing better to do with their time than mess with ours.
Representative Dan Laursen of Powell has spearheaded a proposed bill, while Senator Ogden Driskill and Representative Tyler Lindholm are two of nine co-sponsors of said bill, which would keep Wyoming on Daylight Savings Time all year round.
Laursen stated that he proposed the bill because “we move the clocks forward...and backward,,,and I don’t like it. Pick a time and stick with it, because it’s hard on everyone. It’s hard on students, hard on the elderly and even hard on me.”
Driskill supports the bill claiming that “it has been proven that we lose lives and time due to changing clocks twice yearly.”
Are you kidding me? I just have to say that I want to see the numbers regarding how many people have actually perished due to “falling back” an hour in the fall or “springing forward” in the spring. I mean, are they literally falling back or running off a tall building or something?
And just how are we losing time? We have X number of hours of daylight regardless of what number we place on that time.
The reality is that time is arbitrary and a convention created by man. In 1870, professor C.F. Dowd proposed 24 time zones for the Earth in order to organize business. In a rapidly expanding United States, when we were trying to do business from the East Coast to the West Coast, we told time by the sun, which is truly the only accurate way to do it. However, scheduling transportation by the sun across 3,000 miles was a nightmare.
Then in 1918, Europe and the United States adopted Daylight Savings Time in order to conserve energy during WWI.
We have around nine hours of daylight in the winter, period. If we give up an hour of that daylight in the morning in order to save an hour in the afternoon, we will be going to work in the dark, putting our children on a bus to school in the dark, doing our morning chores in the dark, etc.
We will be doing business with South Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado and Montana which will all be an hour behind us for four and a half months out of the year.
Again, time was created to organize our country, so if we change how we tell time, we are going to make scheduling that much more difficult.
Verbiage from the bill states that “the biannual change of time between mountain standard time and mountain daylight time is disruptive to commerce and to the daily schedule of the residents of the state of Wyoming.”
So, is the bill suggesting that if we are on a different time than our surrounding states, that will be less disruptive?
I think not.
The arguments for and against remaining on Daylight Savings Time are actually moot anyway. In 1966, Congress passed the Uniform Time Act because states were changing the time they followed, randomly producing what Time Magazine described in 1963 as “a chaos of clocks”.
With the passage of the act, the states no longer have the power to make this decision, rather it is in the hands of the federal government.
Wyoming doesn’t have the authority to pass this bill into law. At best, they only have the ability to pass a resolution which would basically ask the federal government to consider allowing the state to make its own decision regarding what time it follows.
The time the legislature is spending on debating a bill that they can’t even constitutionally pass is a complete waste. Perhaps it would be better spent on focusing on the real, pressing issues at hand.