Strong arm tactics are nothing new
Dear Editor,
There almost always arises a difference of opinion when any proposed action is discussed.
This is a good thing because it sometimes clarifies complicated issues. This sometimes is a bad thing because too often it muddies what could otherwise be an enlightening experience.
A recent letter of mine was derided as being fake news (“Falling victim to CNN propoganda, November 22, 2018, page 3). As usual, no supporting evidence is offered, but it was followed by a personal insult.
Just or unjust, Trump does not serve the best interests of the people of the United States. He does an extraordinarily fine job of serving the interests of himself and his family. Kavanaugh is and will continue to be an extraordinarily right wing jurist.
It is true that some in a population prefer a rightwing strongman. Mussolini was such a person, and was elected by the people of Italy. Hitler was such a person, and was elected by the people of the Weimar Republic. Of course, in these two examples, there were also “strong-arm” tactics employed (no doubt by “some very fine people”).
Both Feinstein and Shumer have been elected by a majority of the voters in their respective districts. I’m sure that the electorate in their districts have paid much closer attention to their behavior than FAUX News and approve, hence their re-election(s).
When writing to the editor one should always be careful to stick to facts and leave the vindictive at home.
—Jerry Baird