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Steinmetz: Legislature should convene a Special Session

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Sen. Cheri Steinmetz

Even though we just finished our Budget Session, and I am home trying to enjoy the day with my grandchildren, Legislative responsibilities have just exploded again as the Governor finalized actions on several key bills.  In response, I am calling for a special session. Please see the following letter submitted to Leadership today.

Dear President Driskill, Majority Floor Leader Hicks and Vice President Kinskey,

Please consider this my formal request that leadership convene a special session or conduct of a poll of the membership under Joint Rule 18-1 of the Wyoming Legislature to call itself into special session. How can we truly say we are a co-equal branch of government if we do not maintain the ability to check the overreach of the Executive branch? At this critical time, bills and issues of great importance to the citizens of Wyoming, which were overwhelmingly passed by a veto proof majority of the Legislature, have been vetoed by the Governor.  See the following as examples:

SF0054 Property tax exemption House vote: Aye 61, Nay 1 Senate vote: Aye 29, Nay 2

This legislation would have provided $220 million dollars in immediate tax relief to Wyoming citizens rather than keep it in the government coffers.

HB0125 Repeal of gun free zones House vote: Aye 54, Nay 8, Ex 1 Senate vote: Aye 22, Nay 7, Ex 1

These are just a two of the actions taken by the Chief Executive in our absence that require our attention.  The Governor vetoed eight bills and line item vetoed five which includes the budget bill. Many sage Legislators warned we should never leave town without the Governor completing his work and the Legislative veto intact.  I would say we learned our lesson.  I call on leadership to convene a special session.

Senator Steinmetz represents Goshen, Niobrara, and Weston counties. She is serving as Chairman of the Agriculture State and Public Lands & Water Resources Committee, Chairman of the Select Water Committee, Vice Chairman of the Education Committee and is a member of the Capitol Finance and Investments Committee.

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