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Station was in need of replacement


Station was in need of replacement 
Dear Editor,
Please allow me to add a few more details about the construction and costs of the new Game Warden station. I was appointed to the Game and Fish Commission in 2013. During my six-year term, replacing the warden station in Newcastle was a high priority for me. For many years, the Newcastle station was known as one of the worst in Wyoming. Newcastle had actually lost Game Wardens because they felt the home was unsuitable for their family. I am proud that our community will now have one of the nicest warden stations in the state. The Game and Fish Department moved forward with this project at the direction of the Commission. And, as the local Commissioner, I pushed hard for it.
I would like to offer a few clarifications about the location that was chosen. Because customers often bring animal carcasses for check-in and disease testing to the warden station, it is desirable to have it in a sparsely populated area, yet easily assessable for the expected 800 or so customer visits per year. In addition, the property must be large enough for the house and office as well as storage for trailers, ATVs, fencing materials, evidence and enforcement equipment. For a period of several years, we looked for a suitable building or property upon which to build.  We found a 5.4 acre parcel on the edge of town that met these criteria and acquired it at appraised value.
This warden station is being constructed utilizing high quality materials and methods which will minimize both utility costs and maintenance requirements for the next several decades. In addition, because the office is accessible to the public, State and Federal rules require extras such as a sprinkler fire suppression system, ADA compliance, etc.  These requirements added significantly to the cost. In hindsight, I wish we had built it years ago as the recent spike in construction has increased the cost of building and decreased contractor availability.
This project was not funded by tax dollars. The Game and Fish Department receives no tax dollars from the State. It is being funded by Game and Fish Commission funds which are derived primarily from license sales. The northeast corner of the State provides more license revenue than any other region and, I feel, receives a very small return on that revenue compared to other areas of the state. So yes, I pushed to make the Newcastle Warden station one of the finest in Wyoming. It is an investment into our community and will serve the Department and future employees well.
— Keith Culver

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