State will soon offer savings accounts for homeschooled kids

SUNDANCE (WNE) — Homeschooled and private school students will soon be eligible for education savings accounts to help pay for their education.
The Wyoming Education Savings Act (ESA) was signed into law earlier this year, and the Wyoming Department of Education is currently seeking comments on the proposed rules that will govern the program.
ESA funding of $6000 will be available each year for students who are enrolled in private and home schools.
To qualify, the child must also be a Wyoming resident, age four or above (pre-K to grade 12) and with a household income below 150% of the federal poverty guidelines, which is currently around $46,800 for a family of four.
Parents will also need to make sure that the student receives instruction in core subjects and takes annual proficiency tests.
Students will receive the money as a deposit in their ESA account, to be used for educational purposes. Expenditures can include tutoring services, extracurricular activities at a traditional public or charter school, text books, educational technology, school uniforms, fees for summer or after-school education programs and costs for college admission tests.
Students cannot be enrolled in a public school while receiving an ESA but can use their funds to purchase services from participating school districts.
The ESA program was established through House Enrolled Act 53 with the stated intent of providing families with greater flexibility in educational choices for their children.
The proposed rules concern the nuts and bolts of ESA accounts, from how a family should provide proof of income eligibility to application deadlines. To view and comment on the proposed rules, visit wde-seeks-public-comment-on-education-savings-account-program-rules/ or send your comments by mail to Wyoming Department of Education1, 22 West 25th Street, Cheyenne, WY 82002 before December 11. Applications for ESAs for the next school year will open on January 1.
This story was published on October 31, 2024.