Right to Life chapter brings focus to our purpose
Recently I had the opportunity to attend a meeting to start a Right to Life chapter here in Weston County, which is very exciting.
During the meeting, we talked about a vision for the chapter. Ideas included participating in pro-life marches, observing the 40 Days for Life to pray for the end of abortion, advertising and speaking out for the brutal truth about abortion, and also showing love and support for those in difficult situations.
As a young Christian in this day and age, it’s difficult not to become numbed to the reality of abortion, which has been legal in this country since years before I was born.
The organization of a Right to Life chapter in Weston County has encouraged me to strive to get involved and speak out for the cause of the unborn. If we want change, we must speak out.
Psalm 139:13-14 says, “For you created me in my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
I know that there are some difficult situations in which children are conceived, tragic situations, but each child – even unborn babies – has been created by God, is unique and is here for a purpose. We as Christians cannot be numb to this reality.
There is a massacre going on – legally – in this country, and it has been normalized, accepted and moralized. Why are we outraged when Hitler kills millions of people but not when thousands of people are killed through abortion each year, and it’s legally protected?
We, as a nation, should be outraged, not just at the law recently passed in New York that allows abortion up until birth (although this is a terrible occurrence).
We should be outraged about any abortion, at any point in a pregnancy, regardless.
Beyond speaking out, we need to pray for abortion to end, for the truth to become known. Pray for the lives being taken each and every day, because prayer is powerful. We may not be able to control everything, but we can do our part, what God has called us to do.
I hope that I can be deeply convicted of the truth and stand firm on it. I hope that I can get past complacency and stand up for what’s right. I hope that even one heart could be changed.
So I urge you, speak out, get involved, don’t be complacent about this issue that victimizes the smallest, most defenseless little humans – those who are being targeted in the womb, the very place that by God’s design is supposed to be a safe haven for infants.
The next Right to Life meeting is April 2 at 7 p.m. at the Foursquare Lighthouse Church. Please come, get involved in this cause and spread the word.