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The right is easily misled by billionaires


Dear Editor,
The past two letters outlined how the people in some countries vote themselves into fiscal hard times. We may not be subject to that yet, but we sure seem to be trying.  
One of the dangers not yet addressed are the saboteurs. These may be friends or relatives. They have a completely different mindset. 
Error #1:  They believe every allegation made by the billionaire crowd. Big mistake! 
#2: Any system that might, in some way, benefit a person or group not in their immediate circle of friends must be “dreaded socialism” or at least Marxism! 
#3. Any system that might benefit a large segment of our population is undoubtedly communism! So, don’t investigate anything different from what we tell you because “we are right and everybody else is wrong.”
#4. Any system that might raise anybody’s taxes is grand larceny! Well, maybe sometimes. Here is an example: 
Somebody, somewhere decided that we need a new airplane — a fighter of the most advanced design. Quite some time ago we started paying for the design and development of the F35. It has taken something like seven or nine years of design and development. Manufacturing the new and special parts were parceled out to sub-contractors in about 40 different congressional districts! A coincidence? I think not. It is just fertilizing the soil where votes grow up for the next election!
Do you have enough information to be cynical yet? I think that the ball-point pen I got from Gary Rich’s Automotive is about to give up. I’ll try to find a new and different one so I can start fresh on climate change.  
—Jerry Baird

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