Reliving history in one bad remix
o I saw a post on Facebook last weekend which grabbed my attention and seriously had me laughing … but ironically, not necessarily hilariously.
As a history nerd, I have always tried to place myself in events that have happened in the past.
Everywhere I drive, I imagine what it would have been like to try to navigate the terrain as a pioneer.
I have dreamed of driving the Magic School Bus that could transport my students and me to the past.
Or to jump in that phone booth with Bill and Ted to go on an excellent adventure into the past.
Or have the Delorian from “Back to the Future” to just decide where I wanted to go.
So this post on Facebook said how they have always wanted to know what it was like to live through the Civil War, the Spanish Flu of 1918, the Dust Bowl and the Civil Rights Movement — but not all at the same time!!
It’s like someone decided to do a remix of historical events and drop the club version for the world to dance to this year.
The intro started strong with the pandemic in the first verse, then segued into the chorus of blaming politics for the virus.
Then we had a quick bridge of a mini-plague of murder hornets, followed by the second verse of a 21st Century Civil Rights Movement.
Enter the chorus blaming politics for the rioting and looting which were interjected into peaceful protests.
Most recently the third verse has begun with the Saharan Dust Cloud migrating to the United States. Though this is a common occurrence every hurricane season, this one is historic given it is the biggest and most dense in the last 50-60 years.
This, of course, should come as no surprise given the events of the last few months.
So far, we haven’t yet started to blame this climactic event on politics, but I fear that chorus is still being written.
My daughter and I were talking Tuesday morning about all the happenings of 2020 so far, and she noted that she felt a little weird thinking about what she would say when her children asked her what it was like to live through all that went on.
She laughed and said she may not be able to talk about it because she fears she will develop PTSD from it.
For the most part, I’m not a huge fan of remixes, and I can definitely say that this one probably tops the list at the worst one of all time.
Let’s just hope there isn’t a fourth verse …