Recognizing those who make a difference
Many people throughout Weston County contribute to the community in various ways to guarantee that residents have what they need, want and enjoy throughout the year, and to kick off every new year the News Letter Journal honors several of those individuals who are nominated by the community as the NLJ Person of the Year.
On nearly every page of this week’s paper you will read stories of success, contribution and dedication that help to make Weston County the place we all love to live in, and without these individuals and so many others we would not enjoy the things we do in our corner of Wyoming.
Not all of these people have affected the lives of those around them in the same way, but all of them have gone above and beyond what is expected of them to make sure everyone around them is a little better off in some way.
The News Letter Journal believes it is important to highlight these individuals and others, not only as we begin a new year, but over the course of each year as we share stories of success, kindness and dedication to community.
We want to thank all of these people — and so many more unsung heroes — for doing what they can to make Weston County a place where neighbors help neighbors, and strangers become friends.
The staff at the NLJ was hard-pressed — as usual — to select the “Person of the Year,” as each of these individuals offer their talent, support, ingenuity, warmth, skills, friendship, ideas, and service to the community. These people have all strived to impact others and all of them deserve to be honored.
As we roll into the new year, we want to encourage those who live in this community to make sure to thank those around you who go out of their way to make living here great throughout the year, and to remember their names next November when the News Letter Journal will once again seeking nominations for Weston County’s Person of the Year.