Perspective: Created in His image
od’s word, the Bible, tells us in Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created …”, and Genesis 1:27 goes on to tell us, “So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”
Every human being has invaluable worth in the eyes of God from the moment of conception to natural death at the end of life. How do we know that God values human life? Because He gave His One and only Son, JESUS, to pay for their sins and redeem them so they could be His children and have an intimate relationship with Him by receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior through repentance and faith.
We know that the value of something is determined by the person desiring that particular something.
For instance, someone may be willing to pay exorbitant amounts of money for a famous person’s clothes such as a sleeveless jumpsuit and jacket that Elvis Presley wore on stage that sold at auction for $250,000 or his gold and diamond guitar-shaped ring that sold for $112,500 when its estimated value was only $20,000 to $30,000. Who in their right mind would pay so much for a couple pieces of used clothing or a ring? Not me, but the person who valued the items that much and was willing to pay out the money for them.
The truth is most people would never pay that much money for these items, but these people did because they really wanted them and that’s what made them valuable.
God was willing to pay the ultimate price for every human being when He gave the life of His Son in exchange for theirs because He really wants people in His family. January is Sanctity of Human Life month, and God sees every baby conceived in its mother’s womb and loves that baby and declares its value through the death of His Son. My prayer is that all people will value each and every person as God does.