Our cash becomes their riches
Dear Editor,
Unfettered capitalism effectively captures the maximum amount of gross profit available for any enterprise in which it is involved.
The functioning head of the capitalist enterprise decides the means and methods used to accomplish that result.
Discovering the source and negotiating the cost of all necessary resources, including labor, are critical aspects of management’s responsibility. The market place, in large part, determines the selling price.
Simple isn’t it?
It only gets complicated when management diverts profits from general cash flow to paying themselves and/or other stockholders an excessive amount.
Inventing illegal methods or perhaps quasi-legal methods of self enrichment short-changes both the country and the employees. The country is deprived of income necessary to operate, and so it must borrow whatever is necessary and add that amount and interest to the national debt. That debt is what ‘We The People’ owe and must pay back.
Is it our elected politicians or the enterprising big businessman who has cleverly stolen from us, and then has the gall to blame us for being poor or needing assistance?
—Jerry Baird