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Only Obligations

Dear Editor
Contrary to Bernie Sanders opinion there are no rights only obligations. The constitution states we have a right to life but that has been abrogated by the Supreme Court with abortion. There is a right to live provided by parents who bring life into the world but this only lasts until the child is able to sustain himself. There is no other right to live because living requires some form of effort either self or some outside effort. Our civilization places obligations on some people to provide for some who cannot provide for themselves but these are not required. Every claimed right requires an equal effort. How many of those claiming a right would walk up to a stranger and demand a payment for their health care or tuition? It is very easy to claim these rights without elaborating who has to pay for them. It is naturally implied that wealthy business owners will pay the bills. It is because of our natural feelings of benevolence that society does provide many of what people call rights.
Don Thorson  


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