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One-sided media outlets aren’t helping


Dear Editor,
There is an important and strong relationship between politics and economics.  
The unbridled nature of man affects either party, or more usually both, adversely.  
Having two or more groups strongly advocating for very dissimilar methods of satisfying the need for a governing philosophy and organization complicates the issues and confuses the electorate.  
Over the decades, control has swung back and forth between the “It’s all mine and you can’t have any Party” and the “Share and share alike Party.”  
 Because imperfect man populates both parties, getting a government that actually functions reasonably efficiently and fairly is rare.
We have a “Ring Side Seat” while the current antic resident in our White House entertains at least himself, even if few others applaud.  
Unfortunately, this is no way to run a large country or even a tiny one.
But it is what we have to contend with, barring an unlikely action by the Congress or “the people.”   
All of this serves to teach  Civics 101. We should have learned earlier, perhaps in school, or by simple observation of cause and effect.
One thing is certain, if you watch only the most exciting, so-called TV news, enunciated by young, winsome if myopic provocatuers — and if what you read is only a “one-sided” re-hash of that which the TV spewed — you have been egregiously misinformed.
—Jerry Baird

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