No 4-H camp
Alexis Barker
NLJ News Editor
Weston County 4-H Director Brittany Hamilton reported on April 20 to the board of Weston County Commissioners that 4-H camp will once again be cancelled due to scheduling conflicts at Mallo Camp.
According to Hamilton, the only date that worked when rescheduling the camp last year was Memorial Day weekend. Since that time, the educator learned that this year’s Newcastle High School prom and other activities scheduled for Memorial Day weekend means there will not be enough volunteers or attendance to warrant hosting the event.
“It sounded like we would not get the participation we were looking for with scheduling conflicts, and we are not sure of the COVID-19 restrictions from the University of Wyoming, and most said they would not attend with restrictions,” Hamilton said. “Weighing the decision, we’ve decided to not have camp this year and postpone to 2022 when we have the third weekend of June booked.”
The decision was not easy for Hamilton and other educators but the consensus was that the group would rather not have the event if it they aren’t able to provide the best experience possible.
“We need to be wise with our resources and that is what we have decided for this year. It was not an easy choice, but it’s what we feel we need to do,” she said.
With the hopes of alleviating some of the disappointment from not having camp once again, Hamilton said the educators and volunteers are planning to do some workshops or day camps throughout the summer, hoping to build partnerships in the community at the same time.
“We are hoping to pull in other entities and offer the activities to our county,” she said. “We can teach some of the skills they would have had at camp.”