Need help from all to save Mill memories
Dear Editor,
Thank you Alexis Barker for writing such an informative article about our “Toomey Mill Sifter,” and Bob Bonnar for printing it. (Re: “New home sought for artifiacts,” NLJ, February 21, 2019, page one.)
It is a great start to a very much needed and important step to memorialize the “Mill.”
We need the whole county involved in this project. We will need money and there are ways which we are pursuing, but we hope all will get involved in one way or another.
We are asking individuals who have memories, stories, pictures and memorabilia to send them to “Toomey Mill Project,” 121 Mystic Ave, Newcastle, WY 82701, or give them to any society member.
In succeeding with this project it will benefit Newcastle and the county in countless ways through education, tourism and just general local interest.
—Maxine Kaul, President
Weston County Historical Society