More money
Alexis Barker
NLJ News Editor
Weston County Health Services $20,192,195 budget for fiscal year 2020, which began on July 1, will remain “pretty much status quo,” according to CEO Maureen Cadwell. Major changes in the budget are for staff pay increases and the addition of a telepharmacy in Upton.
According to budget information presented before approval on June 20 during the Weston County Health Services board of trustees meeting, salaries and wages have been increased an average of 2.27% from fiscal 2019, with the exception of positions that were unfilled or adjusted for changes in skill sets.
“Some positions didn’t move in the state as far as salary,” Cadwell later said. “Those who didn’t move or went lower stayed the same. Otherwise, most positions did and will get an increase.”
For example, nurses received a minimal adjustment of 1.3% overall, while certified nursing Assistants saw a 2.7% increase. An additional $1 per hour for Manor CNAs was also maintained, according to information provided by Cadwell.
The total salary expense budgeted for fiscal 2020 is $8,686,804, down from $8,830,072 in fiscal 2019, despite the increase in salary for employees.
Fringe benefits increased by $42,267 to $1,116,000 and payroll taxes were budgeted at $807,750. Pharmaceutical costs increased by over $1 million, with budgeted expenses totaling $4.7 million. Other significant line items include almost $1.6 million for depreciation.
Other operating expenses for the facility were budgeted at levels similar to fiscal 2019 unless price changes could be reasonably forecast, according to Cadwell.
“The fiscal year 2020 budget is based on past experience and reasonably attainable goals,” Cadwell said.
Managers were encouraged to refrain from making across-the-board increases or decreases but to instead look at historical trends and the possible effects of upcoming changes or new needed skill sets while preparing their budgets.
After looking over statistics for patient numbers and revenue, Cadwell and the financial team budgeted $20,734,911 in gross patient revenue, with net patient revenue of $15,965,317. According to the budget, Manor revenue projections were increased to reflect a 3% increase in room rates and the net bed tax that will be received quarterly.
“Other patient revenue is budgeted close to FY2019 levels, with a 5% adjustment for pricing,” Cadwell said. “Volume trends were also considered in budgeting revenue.”
Cadwell said she figured that the net operating revenues for the facility will reach nearly $19.6 million, reflecting an additional $3.6 million in other operating revenue,
Estimates for 2019 show an increase in patients in nearly every department, with the only budgeted decreases seen in skilled swing bed and intermediate swing bed numbers. The largest increase in services is in the lab procedures category, with an estimated increase of almost 3,000 estimated services provided over last year’s total.
“After nonoperating items are included, the budgeted bottom line is positive,” Cadwell said.
Overall, the facility’s budget increased by almost $600,000, with an operating loss of $609,178. But when nonoperating revenue is factored in, the bottom line is positive. Cadwell said that the net gain is estimated to be $1.7 million.
As for the capital budget, Cadwell said that whether or not the capital budget items are purchased depends on the need at the time and availability of funds. The capital budget, she said, is determined through meetings with managers to discuss individual department needs.
Improvements to the overall facility make up the bulk of capital budget wants, with $150,000 to finish the basement and $100,000 for the west parking area. Other significant expenses include a GE Flashpad at $79,200 and a GE Ultrasound at $100,500 for the radiology department.
The total capital budget for fiscal 2020 is $708,498.