Military addresses needed
Alexis Barker
NLJ News Editor
The Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary No. 2516 is hoping to honor currently serving military personnel by sending care packages to service members from Weston County, but the group needs your help.
“We know of eight or so individuals, but it is really hard to get the information,” said Ellen Butts, an auxiliary member heading up the project. “We want to honor those people that are serving, but we need help getting the names and addresses.”
Once the names are gathered, she said, the group hopes to send care packages, including hygiene items, first aid supplies and local treats to the service members overseas. For those currently serving in the United States, the plan is to provide items such as stamps because stateside military personnel have more access to the other everyday items.
“We want to say thank you, to show our appreciation,” she said. “We did this years ago and have decided to start it back up.”
Anyone who has access to information about a past or present Weston County resident is encouraged to contact Ellen Butts at 746-4251 or Tomi Yeager at 941-0690. Butts said that the group is also open to donations for the care packages if the public wants to contribute.