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A man after my own heart

News Letter Journal - Staff Photo -
Dean Butler

David was called “a man after My own heart” by God, as noted in 1 Samuel 13:14 and Acts 13:22. This statement is deeply significant and reveals much about what made David so pleasing to God despite his many flaws. Understanding why God said this about David can offer us valuable insights into what it means to live a life that honors God.

David’s life was marked by a profound faithfulness and trust in God. From a young age, he exhibited an incredible trust in God’s power and promises. When David faced Goliath, he didn’t rely on his own strength or his weapons. Instead, he trusted in God’s ability to deliver him from harm. David confidently declared, “The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine” (1 Samuel 17:37).

Another striking feature of David’s heart was his genuine repentance. David made significant mistakes, such as his sin with Bathsheba, but he never tried to justify his actions. When confronted with his sins, he was quick to confess and sought God’s forgiveness earnestly, as reflected in Psalm 51. In this Psalm, David prays, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” (Psalm 51:10). His sincere repentance was a testament to his desire to restore his relationship with God.

David’s life was also characterized by passionate worship. He wrote many of the Psalms, which reveal his deep love and reverence for God. David didn’t just worship with his voice; he worshiped with his entire being. His joyful dance before the Lord is described in 2 Samuel 6:14, where it says, “And David was dancing before the Lord with all his might.” This act showed his unashamed devotion and enthusiasm for worshiping God.

Obedience was another hallmark of David’s life. Despite his mistakes, his overall attitude was one of obedience to God. David sought God’s guidance in his decisions and was committed to following God’s commandments. His life was marked by a respect for God’s Word and a desire to live according to it.

David’s courage and leadership were deeply rooted in his faith. He led Israel through numerous battles, always seeking God’s direction and relying on His strength. David’s leadership reflected a heart that was firmly anchored in trust and dependence on God.

David’s example teaches us that being a person after God’s own heart is not about achieving perfection but about cultivating a sincere and humble relationship with God. It involves trusting God in all circumstances, repenting when we fall short, worshipping passionately, obeying His Word, and leading with faith. By striving to live in a way that honors God, we too can aspire to be people after His own heart. I hope that God will say the same about me one day.

Fifty years ago, I committed my life to serving the Lord. I hold an associate degree in Christian education and a bachelor’s degree in Christian counseling. In my retirement, I focus on studying and sharing the teachings of God’s Word with others. I maintain three Facebook pages dedicated to spreading the Word of God. To contact me or share your thoughts, email

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