A kinder, gentler generation
’ve often said, and firmly believe, that the importance of high school sports goes far beyond what you rack up in the win/loss columns.
I’m as competitive as it gets when it comes to winning or losing, but last Saturday as I was shooting the Newcastle swimming invitational I witnessed something that almost brought tears to my eyes, and it had nothing at all to do with winning.
At least with winning a race …
It was the last event of the day, the 400 Freestyle Relay, and all but one team had touched the wall to finish. What I saw was swimmers from rival teams lining the sideline of the pool cheering on and encouraging the swimmer as she fought through and finished her 100 meter leg of the race.
At that point, I reflected on the day and realized that I had seen that exact display of incredible sportsmanship throughout the meet.
Worland swimmers cheering on Buffalo and Douglas. Buffalo swimmers doing the same for Cody and Newcastle, Cheyenne South cheering on Worland and Buffalo. Newcastle cheering on competing teams as well.
This is what participating in sports is really all about.
These teams were giving their all to beat the others at the meet, individuals were doing their best to finish first in races and to put up qualifying times in their events.
But, that need to finish first and beat the other teams didn’t in any way hamper their efforts to encourage the swimmers from opponent squads.
It was the perfect illustration of athletes uplifting each other regardless of which team they represented, and more importantly, a perfect illustration of the vital life lessons that have been so obviously learned by these young athletes.
It’s so easy to see negativity in every aspect of society, whether it be politics, social media, sports, or whatever, and it can become so very overwhelming that we lose sight of the good in life, because we are bombarded by it every day.
Lately, I’ve begun to see a push to be kind on social media, and it was so incredibly moving to see that very mindset embodied by young people who are in head-to-head competition with each other reach out and encourage the very people they are trying to beat.
Wouldn’t it be awesome if everyone of every age took a page out of these teenager’s books to support and uplift those around them?
These kids probably realize that their futures do not hinge on who wins or loses a high school race, or a meet. But what they may not realize is that they are the true winners in life because they have already learned one of the most important lessons of all — that humans need to support one another and that the real victors in any “game” are those that have compassion and encourage others as it only lifts everyone up to be their best.
I would love nothing more than to see this type of behavior at every sporting event, from players as well as fans and coaches. I know it happens more than is recognized, but it would be awesome if this was recognized and acknowledged more frequently than the negativity in sports.
We all could learn from the example of these young ladies at the swim meet and make it a point to encourage rather than belittle, and to realize that we can build a kinder, gentler generation if only we allow human nature to gravitate toward the good rather than the bad.