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It’s a price we will all have to pay


Dear Editor,
We pay some portion of what we make into a shared pool of resources to pay for the services we need and use.  
The system was working very well during the Truman and Eisenhower administrations. The very costly World War debts were paid off. A 55,000 mile Interstate highway system was built. New cars started rolling off the assembly lines. Prosperity for all seemed to be upon the land.  
But then, some big businessmen and less than honorable politicians schemed up a way to game the system to their own advantage! For a fee the politicians wrote up laws that gave great large “exceptions” to the tax code for the big businessmen and/or their corporations.  
Some wags have insisted that the tax code would  make a stack 77 feet high. Probably an exaggeration, but whatever the number they all advantaged the big businessmen and their subservient politicians. You can be sure that none of it reached the working mans pocket.  
The present administration has done it again. None of the new tax cuts went to the working man. But, the bill for government expenditures will. It’s called the national debt.  
I never wanted to believe that the hard-working man was a spendthrift, but he sure bought a pig in a poke again.
—Jerry Baird

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