It is going to bite us
It is going to
bite us
Dear Editor,
If we don´t kill this pandemic soon itś going to come back and bite us! Maybe this crisis will be enough to make even the far-right realize that ¨Medicare For All¨ is not such a bad idea! Maybe our billionaire
capitalists might even come around to the point of view that
Social Security would be considered a Benefit that would help entice skilled employees to stay with the company at least until things get back to normal. But then, the term ¨normal¨ could stand an overhaul too!
Free Market Fundamentalists will always try to find a way to profit from anybody’s distress. That may very well be harvesting government aid! Making education available only from ¨Charter Schools¨ has been promoted. That has been tried and failed every-which-way! Worse yet, we are being distracted from the melt-down of both the Arctic and the Antarctic. We are on the edge of
disasters precipitated by our acquiescence to the appetite of
Adam Smith’s acolytes. Change
is inevitable.
Jerry Baird