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Holding Firmly to the Word of Life

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Phil.2:16 "Holding firmly the word of life, so that on the day of Christ I can take pride because I did not run in vain nor labor in vain."
Dean Butler

The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm glow over the bustling streets of Philippi. The early morning chatter of merchants and passersby echoed through the narrow alleys. Among the crowd, a small gathering of believers met in a modest house—a place where faith took root and flourished.

Paul, the seasoned apostle, sat on a simple wooden stool, his eyes crinkling with both weariness and determination. His letter to the Philippian church lay open before him, inked words etching truth onto parchment. The flickering oil lamp danced shadows across the room, emphasizing the gravity of his message.

He leaned forward, addressing the assembly. “Dear brothers and sisters,” Paul began, his voice confident yet steady, “we are not mere spectators in this grand drama of redemption. No, we are active participants, entrusted with a sacred charge—God’s word of life.”

The room hushed; every ear attuned to Paul’s words. He gestured toward the scroll, its edges curling from repeated unrolling. “This Gospel—the good news of Jesus Christ—is not a mere collection of stories or philosophical musings. It is life itself. The very breath of God breathed into our souls.”

A young woman, her eyes wide with curiosity, leaned forward. “But, Paul,” she whispered, “how do we hold firmly to this word of life? In a world that tugs at our allegiance, how do we remain steadfast?”

Paul’s gaze swept across the faces before him. “Ah, my dear sister,” he said, “it is both simple and profound. We hold firmly by anchoring our hearts to Christ. We immerse ourselves in His teachings, His sacrifice, His resurrection. We let His truth permeate every fiber of our being.”

He paused, memories flooding back—the Damascus Road, the blinding light, the encounter with the risen Lord. “Remember,” Paul continued, “when doubt assails you, when persecution threatens to extinguish your flame, cling to the promises. Joshua knew it well: ‘Do not be afraid, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.’”

The room seemed to hold its breath. Paul’s eyes sparkled. “And Isaiah,” he said, “he declared, ‘Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.’ These words are not mere platitudes; they are lifeblood. They sustain us.”

A burly fisherman shifted on his stool. “But, Paul,” he queried, “what if we stumble? What if our faith wavers?” Paul leaned in, his voice gentle yet resolute. “Then we confess our weakness,” he said. “We seek forgiveness. And we rise again. Remember Peter and John—uneducated fishermen who astounded the religious leaders with their boldness. Or Apollos, eloquent and well-versed, who fervently debated the Jews. And Paul, once a persecutor, now an evangelist.”

He stood, the lamplight casting shadows on the wall of the humble dwelling. “My friends,” Paul declared, “we are not alone. The Holy Spirit empowers us. So, hold firmly. Hold as if your life depends on it—because it does.”

And in that dim room, hearts stirred. The word of life—the Gospel—was not a distant echo but a pulsing reality. They left that gathering with renewed purpose, ready to face the world, to labor, to run—not in vain, but with eternity in view.

And so, the believers of Philippi held firmly, their lives intertwined with the living Word—the very breath of God.

Fifty years ago, I committed my life to serving the Lord. I hold an associate degree in Christian Education and a bachelor’s degree in Christian Counseling.  I live by 1 Corinthians 9:16, Ephesians 3:7-8, and Colossians 1:28-29. In my retirement, I focus on studying and teaching God’s Word. Besides writing this Blog I maintain 3 Facebook pages dedicated to spreading the Word of God.  Email:

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