Hate is a product of the politics we practice in this country
Hate is a product of the politics we practice in this country
Dear Editor,
Sympathetic speculations of why or how more or less ordinary Americans can be coaxed into becoming mindless, cold-blooded killers does not satisfactorily answer those questions.
This writer can’t claim to be a psychiatrist, but he can make observations and speculations.
The most recent of a long string of entirely senseless murders prompted this writer to add up the obvious, even if previously entirely overlooked or denied.
Most, if not all, of these bloody incidents have revealed that the perpetrator(s) have an irrational fear/hate of and for their victims. The victims are always “Others,” not “Us.”
This mindset can be amplified by an individual or group with the same or similar aberrations. The “us” group are always the good guys, and need to be defended from the “others” (the “bad” or dangerous group).
A skillful or intuitive manipulator of emotions can fairly easily name and blame “the Others” and thus gain control of “the good guys who will have to defend themselves from “the Others.” Benito Mussolini, Adolph Hitler and others too numerous to mention were intuitive manipulators. You already know what happened to their “Others.”
In this country we now have self-serving plutocratic politicians who claim for themselves and/or their political party the title of “Good Guys” with the inalienable right to call all the shots and name and shame “the Others!”
Whether defensive or offensive these “Others” now feel the need to strike back, do damage or kill.
Hence, we have “unimaginable killings at Synagogues, Mosques, Churches, and elsewhere.
All for just a little advantage at the trough
—Jerry Baird