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Green deals and scams


Dear Editor,
(Now this could go on for pages and pages, but here’s the Reader’s Digest version.)
I am AOC, yes AOC is who I be. That AOC, that AOC, she seems like a kook to me. 
Do you like green deals and scams? Come follow me like good little lambs. I do not like scams and green dealing, you are plumb nuts, that is my feeling. 
Do you like to have lots of stuff for free? Come right along, I’m AOC. AOC, there’s no such thing as a free dinner, to the truth you are a spinner. 
Doing away with planes and cars will come to pass, and evil cows with their methane gas. I like to drive my truck to work, please go away you stupid jerk. I like my cows and all my horses, from where come your ideas — what are their sources?
Do you like to eat tofu? When we get rid of cows, that’s what you’ll do — after all it’s good for you! I do not like tofu, you twit, please go away, resign and quit. Your thinking dear, is very wrong, remove your head out of your thong. How have you managed to live so long?
Now listen close and quit your squealing. You’ll learn to love our double dealing. We just need more gullible, willing pawns to help gather a few more leprauchans.
The penalties, AOC, will be quite stiff, for the lemmings who follow you over the cliff. You need to go back to tending bar, instead of trying to ruin our country like you are. Or go get a refund on your economics degree, go off to therapy on reality, and let the rest of us keep living free.
P.S. - Our cows are very offended by those who say their flatulence produces methane gas. No, no, no! It comes from their burps, thank you very much!
P.P.S. - They also say that horses do fart!  
—Jim Darlington

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