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Gordon takes part in ‘Disagree Better’ initiative

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Gov. Mark Gordon during the Legislative Session Photo by Michael Smith
Via the Wyoming News Exchange

CHEYENNE (WNE) — Gov. Mark Gordon and New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced they have come together to participate in the National Governors Association (NGA) Disagree Better Initiative.

The two governors, who have collaborated on policy initiatives as chairman and vice chair of the Western Governors Association, recently sat down to share a message of working together to get the job done.

“Wyoming and New Mexico are both Western states with similar economies, but our politics can be very different,” Gordon said. “While we may disagree on a number of issues, Governor Lujan Grisham and I have been able to find common ground in places by showing respect for one another when we approach an issue from different perspectives. ”

“At a time of deep partisan division in our nation, Gov. Gordon and I would like to remind our fellow Americans that the best way to resolve our differences and find common ground is by communicating respectfully with one another,” Grisham said.

Disagree Better is a year-long NGA initiative to help Americans learn the skills of healthy conflict. The effort aims to change the political behavior of both voters and elected officials can be more successful politically than negative campaigning, and is the pathway to restoring trust in our political institutions. Learn more at

This story was published on April 27, 2024.

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