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Gordon signs immunity for overdose reporting bill

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photo by Michael Smith
Via the Wyoming News Exchange

CHEYENNE (WNE) — Gov. Mark Gordon has signed into law a bill to offer limited immunity to people reporting a drug overdose for themselves or someone else.

On Thursday, Gordon signed Senate File 74, “Immunity for drug overdose reporting.”

Under the new law, immunity will be offered only twice a year.

Anyone who experiences a reported overdose more than twice will be eligible to receive immunity only upon completing a drug treatment program approved by the district attorney, after the second qualifying drug overdose event.

Wyoming is the last state to put overdose reporting immunity into law. SF 74 was overwhelmingly supported by all who spoke in public testimony, from the Wyoming Association of Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police to mental health professionals and University of Wyoming students.

People experiencing an overdose are “human beings, prone to mistakes,” University of Wyoming Branding Iron Editor Ven Meester said during public testimony on the bill Jan. 22.

“People shouldn’t necessarily be left to die due to those mistakes,” Meester said.

This story was published on March 7, 2025.

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