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God's blessing of belief is the cure to what ails you

Fred Grundman

o, what does Jesus say is the significant work God does in our lives?
In John 6:29 Jesus said, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent.” 
We’re called to believe that Jesus, the One God sent, is the only One sent by God to free us from the punishment we heap upon ourselves through our sin. The Bible is absolutely clear on this! No kidding!
Every other religion on this planet says that somehow you yourself can deal with sin, that you can try to be good so that God is pleased and He’ll reward you for all your good.
But that’s not what the Bible says. Romans 5:6 says we’re helpless to do this and that our only hope to receive God’s blessing is to believe that Jesus Christ earned it for us. He willingly gave His life to pay the punishment of our sin. 
God loves you, and the key to knowing and feeling this love is believing in the One God sent. . . Jesus, the Christ, God’s special “Anointed One.”
Ironically, our nation is now gearing up to fight a virus that can be deadly. It’s a type of coronavirus — corona in Latin meaning “crown” and virus meaning “venom,” a virus, a crown, that kills. 
But it can’t kill eternally. A much deadlier disease can. It’s the disease called sin. Sin that isn’t placed into the loving arms of Jesus’ forgiveness kills people eternally. 
Now, I realize that so many people today pass this off as a joke, a myth, a fable for children. Perhaps for now it will be this way for them. Yet, their eyes after death will open upon the Glory of the Lord at their judgment. There’s just too much evidence for this to dismiss it. 
Read some of the material by Dr. Raymond Moody, an objective psychologist. Yes, it might be put out of their minds for now, but if you are reading this and discard it, you will see God and you will recall that you heard of His love for you and His plea for you to believe in the love of Jesus’ cross. It’s where a different crown came into being, the coronation of the King who created us, as He died to make us His beloved forever on a cross. 
A crowning that gives life and extends it forever! God has this much power! Take hold of Him. Believe in Him. Come to the Light and live in it forever. He loves you and is Someone who always will. Believe it!

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