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God, That Was You!

News Letter Journal - Staff Photo - Create Article
Dean Butler

Sometimes I look up and say, "God, that was You. I know it."

It's amazing how God works in our lives in ways we might not always see right away. But there are moments when we just know it was Him. Maybe it's an answered prayer, a sudden sense of peace, or a small blessing that comes when we need it most. These moments remind us that God is always with us, watching over us, and caring for us.

The Bible tells us in James 1:17, "Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow." This means that all the good things in our lives come from God.

We need to be looking for these moments, paying attention to the little ways God shows His love and care for us. When we recognize His hand in our daily lives, we draw closer to Him and strengthen our faith. So, next time you experience something good, no matter how small, take a moment to look up and thank God. Acknowledge His presence and His love. Remember that He is always at work, even in the little things. And when you say, "God, that was You," know that He hears you and delights in your recognition of His goodness. Email Dean:

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