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Fire ban takes effect June 25

Alexis Barker

Alexis Barker
NLJ News Editor
Beginning Thursday, June 25, Weston County will be under
open burn restrictions due to a potential for severe to extreme fire situations throughout the county, according to Weston County Fire Warden Daniel Tysdal. 
“With the recent hot temperatures, windy conditions and lack of wetting rains, our fuels have dried quickly; consequently, the risk of large catastrophic fires has increased substantially,” Tysdal said in an email. “The implementation of the Open Burn Restrictions helps to limit the number of human caused fires that could occur.”
The burn restriction document states that this fire situation has the potential to create a fire that could overextend the fire-fighting capability of local governments. 
“The biggest effect of the restrictions is the prohibition of fireworks on private land in the unincorporated areas of Weston County. While we understand that fireworks are a time-honored tradition over the 4th of July holiday, we also realize that sometimes natural weather conditions simply don’t permit us to enjoy fireworks given where we live,” Tysdal said in the email. “In addition to private land in Weston County now under restrictions, fireworks are never allowed on public lands and fireworks are not allowed inside the city limits of Upton.” 
Fireworks will be allowed inside Newcastle city limits from noon until midnight on July 4, the email said City ordinance states that this time period is lawful for the discharge of fireworks unless otherwise restricted by the governing body. 
To date, the City Council has implemented no restrictions on this ordinance and Clerk-Treasurer Greg James said that the council would have to hold a special meeting to do so. 
The Newcastle Volunteer Fire Department will also have a fireworks show at dusk on the holiday, Tysdal said in the email. 
According to Tysdal, the ban includes several exceptions, including small-attended campfires inside fire rings with suppression capability present and trash or refuse burning during nighttime hours. Other exceptions include the use of acetylene cutting torches, electric arc welders and propane or open fire branding activities as long as it is done in a cleared 10-foot radius and that suppression means are readily available. 
“We urge everyone to exercise extreme caution as the summer progresses and fire conditions continue to worsen,” Tysdal said in the email. 
Any violation of the burning restrictions, according to the document, may be in violation of Wyoming statute and could be punishable by up to 30 days in jail and up to $100 in fines, or both. Restitution for the cost of fire suppression and damages is also possible. 
Tysdal may make a temporary lift or re-imposition of these restrictions if conditions change. The latest status on the burn restrictions can be found at the Weston County Fire Protection District Facebook page or by calling 746-2031. 

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