Fire ban lifted
Alexis Barker
NLJ Reporter
Precipitation and cooler temperatures have led to both the Weston County Fire District and Bureau of Land Management removing their fire bans.
“Due to current precipitation and forecasted cooler temperatures throughout Weston County for the foreseeable future, the Open Burning Restrictions are now suspended,” Weston County Fire Warden Daniel Tysdal said. “However, residents are urged to use extreme caution when doing any outdoor burning, as there remains a heavy fuel load, and fuels are still seasonably dry.”
He noted that suspension of the open burning restrictions does not “relieve any individual of their responsibility to ensure their fire does not escape.” Tysdal added that any individual can still be liable for suppression costs and damages caused to others if their fire is to get away from them.
“Any fires that are started should be stirred and closely monitored to ensure they are completely out,” Tysdal said. “Please call dispatch at 746-4486 extension 1 if you plan on burning so the fire department does not get paged to your controlled burn.”