Falling victim to CNN propaganda
Dear Editor,
Regarding Jerry Baird’s letter in the November 15, 2018 NLJ, “Confirmation confirms the stakes are high,” on page three.
Of course his letter is “fake news,” or we might call it a “voice whining in the wilderness.”
Jerry thinks it is strange and unjust that Trump is president and Kavanaugh is now a Supreme Court justice; that this is somehow an attack on our existing social order.
So Trump didn’t get a majority of the popular vote, so what? That’s not how we do it in this country. We are not a democracy, but a constitutional republic. Did he sleep through his class in civics or American government?
And Kavanaugh has been properly nominated and confirmed in spite of the childish machinations of political kooks like Feinstein, Shumer, and others to smear his namewith lies.
In spite of Jerry’s whining this is our existing social order. Jerry is the one who has been captured, maybe by CNN’S “propaganda machine,” and he seems convinced that the rest of us are mindless deplorables, incapable of perceiving truth.
—John Buehler