Essential Equipment Needed for Sewer Line Inspections
Knowing what belongs in your toolbox and how it all works is crucial to inspections of any kind. The same is true for sewer lines. Read about some of the essential equipment needed for sewer line inspections, so you can feel confident and ready to take on your next pipeline examination.
Gas Monitor
Gas monitors are probably one of the most significant pieces of equipment used for sewer line inspections. Their entire job is to keep inspectors, the public, and their costly equipment out of harm’s way. Gas monitors can detect even the most minor gas nodes in an area before a manhole cover opens. Suppose the monitor indicates a dangerous level of gas in the pipeline. In that case, it notifies the crew, and they can work quickly and carefully to remove themselves and their tools from a hazardous situation.
Inspection Videoscope
Videoscopes are small cameras that work as the eyes and ears of crew members during a sewer line inspection. Sewer line inspection cameras are the perfect tool for the job. Their design allows them to fit into even the most remote and challenging areas of a pipe and record clear images for inspectors to evaluate later. Of course, these features allow workers to diagnose issues and address issues quickly.
Lowering Rope
A lowering rope is exactly what it sounds like: a rope that attaches to the crawler and camera so they can be carefully lowered into the sewers to perform an inspection. Without using this tool, workers would run the risk of damaging costly equipment and failing to carry out thorough and accurate examinations. Because these ropes are responsible for lowering sensitive instruments into the sewer, they should make your list of essential equipment needed for sewer line inspections.
Downhole Roller
The downhole roller is responsible for protecting the cable that attaches to the camera and crawler and should be in use at all times. As the crawler and camera travel down into the manhole, they enter the sewer, making a sharp bend. Without the downhole roller, this angle can easily damage the other equipment and the invert of the pipe under examination. So, having this tool on hand will ensure that your equipment is protected and your inspection is successful.
No matter what type of inspections you perform, familiarizing yourself with all the essential equipment you’ll need in your kit can make your work quick and effective. If you’re someone who specializes in sewer inspections, consider snagging some of the equipment on our list for your toolbox if you haven’t already.