Downpour floods Newcastle streets
Alexis Barker
NLJ News Editor
Several places across Newcastle experienced flash flooding after a rain storm tore through the area on Monday.
According to the National Weather Service in Rapid City, S.D., the Newcastle station reported receiving 1.3 inches of rain in roughly an hour. The Weather Service indicted that the Newcastle station had not reported rain in several days, although other areas in the county had received significant rainfall.
The recent rain throughout the county helped to stamp out several fires that started between July 4 and 5. According to Gilbert Nelson, Weston County Emergency Management coordinator, Weston County resources responded to eight different fires between during that time period.
Those fires were reportedly started by lightning that accompanied the storms both days. Over the July 4th weekend fireworks were banned in both the city and the county, and Newcastle Police Chief Sam Keller reported that as far as the city was concerned there were no issues.
“Newcastle Police Department wants to thank everyone in regard to the fireworks ban this year. We received zero calls about fireworks being used. I personally did not hear or see any either,” he said. “Thank you for not creating any additional fire hazards and additional work load on the officers and dispatchers that worked over the weekend.”
Open burn restrictions remain active in the county, despite the rain received in recent days. Fire dangers still remain high and the public is encouraged to practice extreme caution and report any smoke columns or fire dangers.