Different Welding Tools and Their Various Uses
Whether you own a welding business or are a metal fabrication enthusiast, there’s quite a bit to know about the equipment required for any project. Many of these tools are welding-specific and require basic understandings of their functions. Here are just a few of the different welding tools and their various uses.
Protective Gloves
Protective gear is any welder’s best friend since safety is the most critical factor for any project. Welding gloves are built to withstand extreme heat and defend against shrapnel and sparks. MIG gloves are used during a big weld, while TIG gloves are thinner and allow for more precision.
Darkening Welding Helmet and Glasses
Welding helmets are perhaps the most crucial protective gear available. They protect your face from serious injuries. Heat, sparks, shrapnel, and intense light can harm your skin and eyes. When a welding helmet isn’t necessary, a trusted pair of safety glasses keep your eyes protected from damage.
Welding Pliers
Welding pliers are very affordable tools, and they make your job easier. Their function mainly revolves around your welding gun, including loosening and tightening nozzles and removing weld splatter from your equipment. They function much like wire cutters.
Look for pliers made of bronze or copper; quality non-sparking tools are best when you’re handling your welding gun.
Chipping Hammer
As you weld and metal melts, it produces slag, which is the result of pure and impure steel separating apart. A chipping hammer, with both flat and pointed sides, is used to chip off excess slag.
Speed Square
Welding is all about precise craftsmanship, and a speed square ensures you’re always cutting the right lines into metal. The tool’s shape is a 90-degree triangle, giving you more options when measuring cut lines. Speed squares are imperative for any welding project.
Angle Grinder
An angle grinder cuts nearly any material easily and is also perfect for cleaning base metal before welding. It can also remove slag and polish finished metals.
Boots and Welding Sleeves
Standard welding boots are sturdy with steel-reinforced toes. These shoes prevent falling materials from damaging your feet and prevent punctures from sharp objects.
Sparks, flames, and heat can damage exposed skin and clothes, so welding sleeves are your best defense against them. They cover significant amounts of your body and are surprisingly comfortable.
Sheet Metal Gauge
This tool determines how thick a piece of metal is by using variously shaped teeth with measurement unit labels. Based on the gauge, you can decide which welding method and tool is best for the job.
These are just a few of the different welding tools and their various uses, but you will encounter many more to aid you when you’re working with metal. Become familiar with your equipment to ensure productivity and security.