A Demon’s Progress Report: Undermining God’s Word

A chilling fictitious email from a demon to Satan, detailing the strategic efforts to weaken the Bible’s influence and deceive humanity. Are we witnessing these schemes in action today?
This is a fictitious email from a demon to Satan, reporting on recent successes in derailing the influence of the Bible among humans.
I’m pleased to report substantial progress in our mission to diminish the impact of that insidious book, the Bible. Our efforts have been met with significant success, and the results are clear. Below is a summary of the latest developments:
Distractions and Diversions:
We’ve successfully diverted attention away from the Bible through various means—material wealth, entertainment, and the endless pursuit of pleasure. People are more focused on the fleeting joys of this world than on any lasting truth. Their minds are consumed by trivial things, leaving little room for reflection or spiritual growth. We’ve even made some of them believe that the Bible is irrelevant in today’s world, a relic of the past.
Twisting the Scriptures:
Our subtle distortion of key passages has been highly effective. We’ve corrupted their understanding of salvation, causing them to doubt the sufficiency of grace and the necessity of true repentance. Many now believe that they can earn their way to God through good deeds, rendering the Gospel’s power diluted and ineffective. The clarity of the Bible’s message has been obscured, and they’re none the wiser.
Spreading Doubt and Disbelief:
I’ve sown seeds of doubt at the core of their faith. With subtle whispers, I’ve convinced many that the Bible is full of contradictions, errors, and inconsistencies. These doubts have caused division and confusion, and now many are questioning whether they can truly trust the Scriptures. As a result, the Bible has lost its authority in their lives.
Distraction through False Teachers:
The success of false teachers has been remarkable. I’ve raised up voices that sound plausible and compelling, leading people to embrace a diluted version of the truth. Many have strayed far from the core message of Christ and have been led astray by “new revelations,” empty philosophies, and so-called “progressive” interpretations of Scripture. The truth has been buried beneath layers of human wisdom, and they no longer recognize the real Gospel.
Compromise Within the Church:
Perhaps the most significant achievement has been the successful compromise of God's Word within the Church itself. We’ve led many to embrace partial truths, watering down the Gospel to make it more palatable to a world that demands comfort over conviction. The lines between truth and error have blurred, and many within the Church no longer stand firm on the whole counsel of God. Instead, they’ve chosen a version of the Bible that suits their preferences, weakening their spiritual foundation.
In Conclusion:
I am confident in the direction we are headed. The Bible’s influence is rapidly diminishing, and its relevance to today’s generation is becoming increasingly questioned. We’ve successfully neutralized its power in many lives. Those who still hold to it are few and growing weaker with each passing day. The path ahead looks even brighter as we continue to push the lie that they don’t need salvation, that they’re fine as they are.
There’s still much work to do, but I am certain we are on the right track. The Bible is losing its grip on humanity, and soon, it will be forgotten altogether.
End of Report.
“What I write is not for everyone, but what I write is meant for someone.”
I am the author of two books: Embracing God's Wisdom: A Journey of Faith and Reflection and Embracing God’s Wisdom: Paul’s Commands for Victorious Living. Both are available on Amazon.
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I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, because He considered me faithful, putting me into service. (1 Timothy 1:12)