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Dear God

News Letter Journal - Staff Photo - Create Article
Dean Butler

I come before you with a heart full of gratitude. I am reminded of the countless blessings that grace my life, blessings that reflect your boundless love and compassion.

Thank you for the gift of this day, for the sunrise that paints the sky with hues of hope and promise. Thank you for the air that fills my lungs and the beating of my heart, reminders of the miracle of life that you have entrusted to me.

In moments of joy, I am grateful for the laughter that dances in my soul and the warmth of cherished memories that envelop me like a comforting embrace. Even in moments of sorrow, I find peace in your presence, knowing that you are with me, holding me close in your tender embrace.

Thank you for the people you have placed in my life, for the love that we have for each other, binding us together in a fabric of shared experiences and shared dreams. Help me to cherish each moment with them and to be a source of love and encouragement in return.

As I navigate the challenges of this world, I am grateful for your guidance and wisdom, which illuminate my path and lead me ever closer to you. Grant me the strength to face each day with courage and grace, trusting in your divine plan for my life.

I offer my humble thanks for all that you have given me, and I surrender myself to your will, trusting that you will always guide me with love and compassion.


Fifty years ago, I committed my life to serving the Lord. I hold an associate’s degree in Christian Education and a bachelor’s degree in Christian Counseling. In my retirement, I focus on studying and sharing the teachings of God’s Word with others. I maintain 3 Facebook pages dedicated to spreading the Word of God. Email Dean:

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