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County's residents should be proud

Lori Bickford

eston County residents have a great deal to be proud of in controlling the spread of the coronavirus, COVID-19. We continue to maintain the status of no confirmed positive cases, as of the time of this writing. Luck has nothing to do with this status. The fact that we do not have cases in Weston County is due to community effort put forth by observing the public health preventive measure. The status of COVID-19 in the state of Wyoming, as well as Weston County, are being noticed around the country. We are a shining example for modeling what can be done to stop community transmission. 
At the present there is no proven medical regimen to treat COVID-19 and no vaccine to prevent the virus from infecting the population. However, there is hope on the horizon for a treatment as well as a vaccine. Remdesivir, developed by Gilead Sciences Inc., is an investigational broad-spectrum antiviral treatment administered via daily infusion for 10 days. It has shown promise in animal models for treating COVID-19 infection and has been examined in various clinical trials. Scientists are working hard on developing a vaccine to prevent the spread of the virus. Remdesivir has been authorized for emergency use in the United States.
There are eight different pharmaceutical companies that are working on a vaccine to prevent COVID-19. The more companies that get involved with vaccine development, the more opportunities for success and the ability to manufacture more doses to meet demand. The availability of a vaccine is projected for January 2021. It will take time to produce a vaccine that is safe and effective. Until there is an effective treatment or vaccine, what we have to protect us are public health prevention measures to reduce the spread of the virus. Public health measures include social distancing, hand washing, hand sanitizer and avoiding touching our face, as well as wearing a mask in public when you cannot maintain the six-foot social distancing guideline.
Social distancing of at least six feet from other people and frequent hand washing are the keys to reducing the spread of COVID-19. Although we do not have confirmed positive cases in Weston County, we cannot lose sight of the fact that people can be a carrier of the virus and not have symptoms. Social distancing is not about the individual as much as it is about reducing community transmission of the virus. It’s very important to wash our hands frequently and thoroughly for at least 20 seconds. 
If you are having problems not touching your face, you are not alone. Studies show that we touch our face approximately 23 times in one hour and are not consciously aware that we are doing it. The struggle is very real, but do the best you can and wash your hands often.
The wearing of masks is not a substitute for social distancing. The person who is wearing the mask is protecting others from their respiratory droplets being transmitted through coughing, sneezing and talking. The skin on our face can be very sensitive. If you are experiencing sensitivity, using moisturizer on your face can help reduce the itching that may be caused by wearing the mask. 
Having a greater awareness of our overall physical health and emotional wellbeing is instrumental in maintaining our resilience and keeps our immune system strong. Most of us neglect our mental health until it starts to affect our physical health. We can use the crisis we are facing as an opportunity to make lifestyle changes to stay healthy.
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a great deal of stressors in our lives, and it should be acknowledged. It is an ever-evolving situation with much uncertainty. There is a range of emotions that people are experiencing including sadness, loneliness, depression, anxiety, and anger. We can be experiencing a number of these feelings at once. All of these feelings are valid. Using positive coping mechanism will help keep us healthy. 
It’s important to realize what you can control and to let go of what you can’t. You can focus on how well you follow the CDC guidelines, your own social distancing, turning off the news and limiting social media. What you can’t control is how long the pandemic will last, if others follow the rules of social distancing, the reaction or actions of others, or predictions of what will happen. Stay in touch with family, friends and coworkers! Keep your routines in place, such as going to bed and getting up at the same time. Getting restorative sleep is critical to maintaining your health. If you are feeling overwhelmed and need professional help, Northern Wyoming Mental Health staff is ready and available to assist you. 
For your physical health, it’s important to get plenty of exercise and eat healthy meals. When the weather allows, go outside and enjoy the sunshine! You can go for a walk, ride your bike, work in your yard or garden. Prepare healthy meals that include whole grains, vegetables, fruit and lean meat. Limit frozen dinners — they are high in sodium, fat and calories.
I want to briefly address the trend that health care providers are seeing across the country concerning people not seeking appropriate care due to the fear of being exposed to COVID-19. Our hospital, clinics and ambulance services in Weston County are ready and able to provide safe care to those who are in need of services. If you are experiencing complications from an existing chronic illness, sudden illness or injury, please do not delay in seeking medical care. Medical emergencies still exist regardless of COVID-19.

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