Correcting the shortcoming
Correcting the shortcoming
Dear Editor,
The Editors observation that too many of these “letters” have been only Negative and Strident is correct! Henceforth, I will make every attempt to correct that serious shortcoming. Beginning right now! We are confronted with deadly serious climate-change. A noble effort is underway to find a method to “detox” the coal-fired power plant. We should redouble that effort. Something on the scale of inventing the “war-ending” Atomic Bomb - with the same justification - to save American lives all over the country.
Since the benefits will be wide-spread, so to can be the development costs. This speaks to government funding and increased taxation. No owner of a burning building should complain about the cost of the Firetruck! We can do it! An alternative would be to terminate the variety of “Tax-Dodges” that the “Extremely Rich” have managed to put on the books.
Therein lies yet another very large problem! The Extremely Rich are loathe to part with even one penny they have extracted from capitalism! It will be an angry fight to the very end! Either the extremely rich suffocate and die with the rest of us OR they share some of those benefits and we all live happily ever after.
Jerry Baird