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06.30.22 Newcastle City Council Minutes

NLJ Staff

MONDAY, JUNE 20, 2022
Mayor Pam Gualtieri called this regular meeting of the Newcastle City Council to order at 7:00 p.m.  Those present were Mayor Gualtieri; Council members Don Steveson, Ann McColley, Daren Downs, Tyrel Owens and Lance Miles. Also present were City Attorney Dublin Hughes, Department Heads City Engineer Mike Moore, and City Clerk/Treasurer Stacy Haggerty. 
APPROVAL OF AGENDA:  Mayor Gualtieri added Newcastle Volunteer Fire Department Chief James Curren referencing Fireworks under Citizens Business – Verbal to the agenda. Ann McColley moved, seconded Daren Downs to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Tyrel Owens moved, Don Steveson seconded to approve the minutes of the regular meeting and executive session of June 6, 2022. Motion carried.
CERTIFICATES OF RECOGNITION: Jen Womack for opening her business, Sagebrush Marketing on Main Street. Ms. Womack was not in attendance, her certificate will be mailed to her.
1. True Temp HVAC Services requested a contractor/limited mechanical HVAC plumbing license, Caleb Massie. Don Steveson moved, seconded Tyrel Owens to approve this request. Motion carried.
1. Bruce Perkins was present to request blocking off the center turn lane on Main Street between the intersections of Railway Avenue and Sumner Avenue from August 1, 2022 to August 15, 2022. Don Steveson moved, seconded Ann McColley to approve this request. Mr. Perkins then requested the relaxation of open container ordinance at the tables he will have outside the addresses of 112 & 114 W. Main Street during his business hours of 10 a.m. to 2 a.m. for the same dates August 1, 2022 to August 15, 2022. Ann McColley moved, seconded Tyrel Owens to approve this request.
2. Newcastle Volunteer Fire Department James Curren was present to report that the Newcastle Volunteer Fire Department took 3 first place awards and third place overall at the recent State Convention. Fire Chief Curren then reported that the Volunteer Fire Department plans to set off Fireworks on July 3, 2022 with the weather permitting from the orange water tower.
PUBLIC HEARING: as advertised at 7:15 p.m. to consider the budget for fiscal year 2022—2023. Mayor Gualtieri opened the hearing and asked for public comments. The record reflects there were no public comments. Don Steveson moved, seconded Tyrel Owens to approve the budget as presented. Motion carried.
MAYOR/COUNCIL REPORTS: Mayor Gualtieri addressed the article in the News Letter Journal, she stated that she would like the public to know that the Council is 100% behind the Police Department. The Mayor also stated that she does agree that the Council can always be more transparent in communicating with the public. Mayor Gualtieri then reported that after speaking with the Wyoming Association of Municipalities the Council was not in violation of accepting a resignation, although there is no acceptance in the emails only advisement of resignation. Mayor Gualtieri stated that there are copies of these emails available for anyone that would like to have them. She then reported that things are going well in working with Peace Officer Standards and Training and the Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police Association to hire an Interim Police Chief, and there has been some interest in the position. Mayor Gualtieri then asked if there were any members on the Council that have issues with this process. There was discussion with Mayor Gualtieri, the Council and meeting attendees Police Officer Peg Miles and Rebecca Tacy regarding the replacement of the Police Chief and why the position was not filled internally. Mayor Gualtieri stated that one officer had told her previously that they were not interested in the position, this officer also had confrontational issues with a coworker in the past, while another officer has since resigned while yet another officer does not have any field training hours and has pulled out of other ranking testing. 
1.   Mayor Gualtieri reported on the calls for the Newcastle Police Department, June 7-20, 2022 there have been 136 calls for the Police Department, 30 calls for the Civil Service Officer and 2 calls for Public Works. Year to date calls, 1985 calls for the Police Department, 455 calls for the Civil Service Officer and 26 calls for Public Works. Councilman Steveson referred to Bob Bonnar’s editorial in the News Letter Journal. He stated that although the process of accepting Sam Keller’s resignation was not done illegally according to the information that was received from Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission and the Wyoming Association of Municipalities. To make things official to the public and to satisfy Bonnar’s questions Don Steveson motioned, seconded Ann McColley to accept the resignation of Sam Keller. Discussion on motion: Councilman Owens stated that he felt that the Council was being bullied into making this action, Councilman Steveson agreed. Councilwoman McColley stated that she felt this was being done to have it recorded. Mayor Gualtieri stated that the Council would be being transparent. Councilman Downs asked if it wasn’t transparent enough, that Keller turned in his resignation. Councilman Steveson stated that all City Department Heads are at will employees. Motion carried. Councilman Steveson then stated the Police Committee will continue to run the Administrative rolls of the Police Department until an Interim can fill that position. Councilman Miles ask if that would include policy setting or use of force review. Mayor Gualtieri and Councilman Steveson stated that there is still the chain of command within the department. Councilman Miles went on record stating that he did not like the idea of having uncertified people that have not been through Peace Officer training being in charge of the department. Councilman Miles requested clarification as to why the current Sargent at the Police Department was not placed as the Interim. Mayor Gualtieri replied, that they had previously stated multiple times that they did not want the position and how issues were handled with a coworker. Mayor Gualtieri stated that all were able to apply through Wyoming Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police Association, who will be going through applications and doing initial interviews before forwarding them on to the Council.
3. City Clerk/Treasurer Stacy Haggerty had no report
4. City Attorney Dublin Hughes stated that a correction needed to be made to Ordinance No. 3 before being read for the first time. Attorney Hughes referenced a letter to Ms. Teresa Ackley, the building referenced did fall under the uniform code for the abatement of buildings. Engineer Moore asked if the WyoLink lease was ready. Attorney Hughes stated that the lease needs a few edits. Engineer Moore then asked about an easement past tank two for Neiman. Attorney Hughes replied that a draft had been sent, he will get back with Neiman’s attorney. Councilman Owens inquired about the backyard chicken ordinance. Attorney Hughes replied that they have an ordinance drafted and will be sending it in couple days. Attorney Moore suggested considering what zoning districts to allow the backyard chickens in while preparing the ordinance.  
5. City Engineer Mike Moore reported that there was a positive bacteria sample in Gray Addition that they are working to correct per the EPA procedures. The paving crew is working on the first use of the new paving machine. He then reported that the Public Works department had an employee resign. Engineer Moore then requested to hire seasonal worker Wyatt Ivie as a full time employee at the rate of $14.00/hour with one year probation. Tyrel Owens moved, seconded Lance Miles. Motion carried. He then reported that the Boyd Ave. project is nearing completion, they plan to start paving June 29th. Engineer Moore has put out bids for phase 2 work on Boyd Ave., he plans to open those bids next week. Engineer Moore reported that plans are being put together for replacing transite lines on S. Summit and in Gray Addition. Well No. 5 project, working on getting the agreement finalized expects that DRM will be scheduling a preconstruction meeting. DRM has indicated that they would like to get started on this project to have it finished this year. Engineer Moore reported that a preconstruction meeting held today for the Police Department renovation project went well. Interview will be held on June 28, 2022 with three consultants for Newcastle Landfill Mediation project. Engineer Moore reported that the MRG grant was approved. Engineer Moore then addressed the property at 236 E. Warwick which has become a hazard, correct mailing address is needed before sending a letter to the property owner. Engineer Moore then stated that he has begun work with a cemetery architect on the future build out of the cemetery. Engineer Moore then reported that he had gotten a request from an individual about purchasing land for water service only. Engineer Moore will write a technical memo to give some guidelines on what is appropriate for adjacent property owners that would like to have City services. Engineer Moore then asked the Council if they would like to discuss the sale of City lots. Decision was made to table this discussion until next meeting. There was discussion about improper use of the City dump station located at Dow Park. Mayor Gualtieri stated that she had instructed Public Works Supervisor to notify the Police Department. Engineer Moore stated he has been working with Public Works Supervisor Greg Stumpff to find an appropriate credit card module for the City bulk water load out. 
OTHER BUSINESSS: Mayor Gualtieri stated that a letter was received from the Justices of the Wyoming Supreme Court regarding a virtual ceremony to administer the oath of office to Lynda R. Bush for Circuit Judge of the Sixth Judicial District.  She stated that if any Council Members wish to attend they can contact City Clerk/Treasurer Haggerty for the information. Mayor Gualtieri then stated that Bob Bonnar would be in town in a couple weeks and has offered a free two hour training on Wyoming open meeting and public records law for boards, governments and proper conduct of public meetings to the Council, if anyone is interested they should email Mr. Bonnar.
CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY:  Don Steveson moved, Ann McColley seconded to pay the claims against the City dated June 20, 2022. Motion carried. Ann McColley moved, seconded Daren Downs to adjourn this regular meeting of the Newcastle City Council at 8:17 p.m. Meeting adjourned
Alpha Communication, tower rent, $95.00; American Business Software, website updates, $156.45; BCN, long distance phone service, $103.21; Black Hills Energy, electrical/gas services, $1,056.95; Century Link, E-911 services, $1,000.09; CRM Architecture, Inc., architectural fees, $787.99; Croell Inc., grout, $875.00; Culligan Water Conditioning, bottled water, $78.00; DANA Kepner Co. Inc., supplies, $899.00; Deckers Food Center, supplies, $261.12; DRM, retainage funds, $13,690.02; DRM, contract work for Boyd Av. project, $165,751.29; Eastern Wyoming Equipment Co., parts/supplies, $2,706.56; Energy Laboratories Inc., $128.00; Enviro-Clean Equipment, Inc., work performed on VacCon truck, $131,710.37; Bearlodge Engineering, engineering services, $39,261.08; Farnsworth Services, portable sanitation/Birch Street drainage, $15,700.00; Ferguson Waterworks, relief valve, $845.72; Fisher Sand & Gravel Co., course j base, $129.33; Laramie Frank, reimburse fuel charges, $82.51; Gateway Travel Center, fuel charges, $6,035.44; Knecht Home Center, energy shield, $1,243.27; Marco Technologies, copier lease, $314.10; Minuteman Lube Center, CSO pickup tires, $931.88; Mike Moore, reimburse fuel charges, $39.08; Newcastle Volunteer Fire Department, duty shirts, $511.15; One Call of Wyoming, CDC code CON, $60.75; Powder River Energy Corp., electrical/gas services, $1,291.44; Range, telephone services, $151.28; Genell Rothleutner, cleaning services, $200.00; Short Stop Fuel Mart, fuel charges, $4,144.03; Smith Psychological Services, psychological evaluations, $400.00; Becky Vodopich, cleaning services, $300.00; Wendy L. Laviola, deposit refund, $100.00; Weston County Treasurer, handling fee, May 2022 youth services, $2,063.69; Woody’s Food Center, supplies, $74.71; Wyoming Educators’ Benefit Trust, health/dental/life insurance, $44,703.84.
Pam Gualtieri, Mayor
ATTEST: City Clerk/Treasurer, Stacy Haggerty
(Publish June 30, 2022)

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