Conflict of interest?
Conflict of interest?
Dear Editor,
The 5/27/21 edition of the News Letter Journal’s article entitled “Taylor wants to close bypass” has captured the attention of many residents of this area. While a number of conversations have been centered on the logistics of the matter and how something of this nature could possibly be accomplished, a major concern to some citizens are the implications of the proposed ordinance. Are we electing officials who wish to use their position in our local government for their personal or professional advancement?
Mr. Taylor is not ashamed to say that this proposal would force traffic through our downtown area or be subject to some sort of fine, toll or penalty. The intent here is to bolster local business. He has found support for this measure by Newcastle’s newly elected Mayor.The issue here is that both of these political representatives also are downtown business owners.
Does this seem like a conflict of interest? Do these elected officials seek to use the force and will of government to persuade travelers to spend money in their establishments? It seems that this is directly the case and should be obvious to all those who seek the truth of the matters. These businesses should easily be able to stand on their own merits to promote themselves without using the valuable resources of our local law enforcement to direct traffic past their doors. As it stands now, these business owners are only tarnishing their reputations by even suggesting that they cannot compete without forcing people past their establishments. The biggest deterrent to local business will be the hassle of dealing with this ordinance and the consequences that come with defying it.
Sincerely, Colter Burleson