Citizens Sought for Black Hills Resource Advisory Committee

Rapid City, S.D., Dec. 12, 2024 — The Forest Service is seeking citizens, locally elected officials, and special interest group representatives as nominees for the Black Hills Resource Advisory Committee (RAC). Applications must be received at the Supervisor’s Office in Custer, SD by February 3, 2025.
The RAC works closely with the Black Hills National Forest to recommend projects, funded from Title II Secure Rural Schools and Self-Determination Act funds. Title II funds are used for the protection, restoration and enhancement of fish and wildlife habitat, and other natural resource objectives, on Federal land and on non-Federal land where projects would benefit these resources on Federal land.
The committee’s duties include reviewing proposed land management projects on or adjacent to the Black Hills National Forest within Pennington, Lawrence and Custer County boundaries. The committee recommends which locally submitted projects to fund and is responsible for coordinating with land management agencies and county officials.
The new members’ four-year terms begin upon appointment by the Secretary of Agriculture. Committee members serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for travel expenses. Members must be South Dakota residents, and preferably live in Pennington, Lawrence, or Custer County. Meetings are held at least once and up to four times for each fiscal year of funding.
The RAC consists of 15 members, split equally between the below three categories. The U.S. Secretary of Agriculture will make the appointments to the RAC based on the applications received, striving to appoint members who have demonstrated the ability to work collaboratively with others of differing viewpoints.
Category A:
- Organized labor or non-timber forest product harvester groups
- Developed outdoor recreation, off-highway vehicle, commercial recreation
- Energy and mineral development or Commercial or recreational fishing interests
- Commercial timber industry
- Federal grazing permit holders or land use permit holders within the RAC area
Category B:
- Nationally recognized environmental organizations
- Regionally or locally recognized environmental organizations
- Dispersed recreation
- Archaeological and historical interests
- Nationally or regionally recognized wild horse or burro groups, wildlife or hunting organizations or watershed associations.
Category C:
- State-elected office holders
- County or local elected officials
- American Indian tribal representatives from tribes within or adjacent to RAC area
- School officials or teachers
- Citizens representing the affected public at large
Applications should be sent to the Supervisor’s Office, Black Hills National Forest, Attn: Todd Butler, 1019 N. Fifth Street, Custer, SD 57730. Applications may also be emailed to Applications consist of a completed AD-755 form and a resume. AD-755 forms may be found online at or may be picked up at any of the Black Hills National Forest offices. For further information, please contact Todd Butler at or by calling 605-673-9205.
For more information on the Black Hills National Forest,