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The Chi-Com Flu


The Chi-Com Flu
Marie Antoinette figured out a bit late she’d made a mistake,
After she suggested folks without bread should go eat cake.
Will there come such a moment for tone-deaf Botox Nancy,
After her appearance in front of her $24K freezers so fancy?
Botox’s gourmet ice creams were there on display,
And she hasn’t looked so happy in many a day.
She’s not letting this awful disaster go to waste,
And blaming it on the Bad Orange Man to her is not in bad taste. 
She’s not placing on the Chi-Coms the tiniest of blames,
But faults Trump for it all and calls him bad names.
As long as her freezer is stocked with $20/pint ice cream,
This hypocrite will keep right on living her dream. 
After 9/11, “Let’s Roll” was the call, 
Now we’re told, “hide under the bed and roll up in a ball.”
It seems like some are cheering for the virus as a means to control,
Their sick twisted minds only focus on their political goal. 
Now in places they’re enforcing social distancing via drone,
Donated by the Chinese, to make sure we’re staying alone.
In addition to rooting for the Chi-Com Virus, perhaps, 
They promote for their benefit, an economic collapse. 
Maybe one good thing to come from this, that will continue on later,
is the bringing of many people back closer to their CREATOR.
I pray that soon this cream of bat soup virus will be gone,
Remember, it is always the darkest before the DON. 
— Jim Darlington

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