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Capitalism has freed us from drudgery


Dear Editor,
I have to wonder what kind of a negative experience Jerry Baird had that makes him dislike capitalism so much. (Re: “One-sided media outlets aren’t helping,” December 13, 2018, page 3.)  
After all, it is the discovery and practice of capitalism that has led us out of the dark ages. If we did not have capitalism, we would still be having a hand-to-mouth existence with landlords and royalty running our lives. 
Capitalism freed up the human surge towards self rule and independence. 
There are good and bad capitalists, just as there are good and bad people. That is just human nature.  
I don’t know where he gets the idea that all capitalists are just waiting to declare bankruptcy and rush offshore with their money. 
Bankruptcy is an admissson of failure and very few people like to fail at anything. I have been around a lot of them, and have never experienced any.  
Look around the world and you will see that it is only where capitalism has existed that people have any chance of excaping a drudgery life.
—Don Thorson

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